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House Training a Puppy

House Training a PuppyHouse training a puppy is one of the first things you need to do when you have a new puppy. It is an important step in a puppy’s development and an opportunity for you to start training your puppy the way you expect it to behave in the house.

House training a puppy is often one of the biggest challenges dog owners face, especially first time owners. With consistent training and some basic knowledge, you will be able to train your puppy faster than you think.

The two most common methods used by experienced trainers for house training a puppy are paper training and crate training. Paper training is when you train your dog to go to the toilet in the same place (on sheets of paper) each time it needs to go. Crate training is when you train your dog to only go to the toilet when it is outside. The basic process is based around the fact that dogs don’t like to go to the toilet where they sleep. When the dog is not being watched closely, it remains in a crate (cage).

Click Here To Discover The #1 Puppy House Training Guide Now

Paper training may be more convenient for you than crate training if you live in an apartment or are very limited with time. Crate training is more time intensive as you have to keep a close watch on your puppy’s behaviours.

A couple of important things to keep in mind when you are house training a puppy include:

  • It takes time and patience to house train a puppy – just as it does to potty train a child
  • Young puppies don’t have any control over urinary and bowel functions

Apart from using the crate training method or paper training methods, there are a couple of other tips I want to mention so you understand how to house train a puppy more effectively.

  1. Establish a good toilet routine with your puppy as quickly as possible. One idea for a routine is the following:
    a. A quick walk outside first thing in the morning
    b. Followed immediately by feeding.
    c. 15 - 20 minutes after feeding you may decide to take your puppy outside again for another quick walk
    d. Finally you may decide to take your puppy outside right before bedtime.
    Once you have a routine in place it’s very important that you stick to it to cement these habits into place.
  2. Set a spot where you puppy can go to the toilet and stick with it. Remain consistent and avoid any changes to the puppy’s routine.
  3. Praise and reward your puppy after it has successfully used its toilet spot correctly. This praise will encourage the puppy to repeat this good action again next time.
  4. Always feed your dog at the same times each day and walk with your dog outside afterwards.
  5. Punishing your puppy if it makes a mistake will not help the learning process, in fact it will probably only make it worse.

I hope these 5 pointers have helped inform you of some of the basics house training a puppy. The real key to success in house training a puppy is consistency. Don’t be discouraged when it seems your puppy is not learning and remember that they will have their good days and their bad days. Stick with a consistent routine and you will get results.

Read our Secrets to Dog Training Review or visit the Secrets to Dog Training website for more information about house training a puppy.

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Secrets to Dog Training

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